When one revisits cities you either try to get pictures of locations you have been shooting before … but in better light or else you try something new. I’m constantly trying to keep things interesting by finding new locations. La Defense in Paris has been on my list of locations to shoot for a long time. Checking it out in 500px revealed a few locations I absolutely had to shoot.
The shot on the left shows La Defense from Esplanade, where I had to get om top of the Esplanade fountain (which I was glad it was turned of and dry when I was there). Other shots show a few buildings of which I don’t know the name, all I know is that they are connected by the “Place Japan Bridge”.
The major challenge I had this time was that I only had a small table top tripod with me as I needed to travel very light. Some of the multi exposure shots and panaramas where quite a challenge with such limited equipment. But thanks to the strong Lightroom CC panorama feature one can still yield decent results. Equipment reduction to the max is what travel photography is all about after all 😉
Click here to see more pictures. Hope you enjoy.